ducmc admit card 2023 (এইমাত্র প্রকাশিত) ducmc.com/University of Dhaka

DUCMC Admit Card is finally released today through the official website. Dhaka University 2022-2023 Scholarship Second Semester Final Examination All Candidates Download Admit Card from our website. The authority released today 30th October 2023 through official website ducmc.com. In our today’s registration, Dhaka University 2022-23 academic year second semester final exam schedule is presented.

ducmc admit card

DUCMC Admit Card 2023 download process started today 30th October 2023 for all students will get admit card as soon as roll number and registration number is entered. You can download this admit card at home to get complete information how and when to collect admit card keep visiting our registration today. If you want to get Admit Card without any hassle by following our rules then check right away.

ducmc notice

Dhaka University informs for the information of all the candidates that in view of the recommendation of Mr. Tin of Social Science, Dhaka School Economics 2022-23 academic year second semester final exam 2023 revised schedule is presented below. Dhaka University DUCMC circular has been published in this registration today. It is very important for all students to know this notification today to participate in the examination.


ducmc com admit card

It is very important to know the examination schedule of Dhaka University for all the candidates. In view of the recommendation of the social science students, the revised schedule of Masters of Economics 2022-23 academic year of Dhaka School of Economics has been announced. All the students who want to collect DUCMC Admit Card 2023 know all the procedures here and download it very easily. It is very easy to download admit card online at home, all the techniques are presented below.


Below are the rules you need to follow to download DUCMC Admit Card 2023. First you enter this official website ducmc.com. You will get a menu as shown in the image above, first you need to fill in a captcha six digit code. Now select the course name. Now select your program name. Select the session. Signup by entering the latest registration number and roll number. If the information is correct, you will see your admit card immediately. To participate in the exam, you must print it and bring it with you in the exam.


last word

From our registration today, all the students of Dhaka University have seen the revised schedule of the second semester final examination 2023 of the academic year 2022-23. It is very important that you know the date and time of this exam today to appear in the exam on time. Thank you for visiting our website to get all the correct information.